Science with no borders

«You enter in a small room, where there are a lot of books, papers lying around, a lamp on a table is spreading calm light and it looks that special smell from paper of different years makes you to feel as if you would be entering not a room but the book itself» —
this is how I feel sometimes, when I enter my lab in Ecole Polytechnique. There is a special order in everything there: people with syndrome of superclean apartment could not have spent there even a minute, cause everything, books, chemicals, computers, stones lies together.
I spent almost one year of going back and forward from Paris, Moscow and Berlin in order to make it possible, Russian girl to work as a researcher in Ecole Polytechnique.

And I am asking «Why, why it is so hard for scientists to get all these stupid visas, as if they would be doing something really bad?!»
Why not to help them from the non-existing organisation «NobordersForScientists»?
llubov  # 1

Berlin Quantum Autumn

Today French embassy already second time did not give me visa.
Though I am officially working in France since November for lon %)
Probably Russian girls are indeed the most dangerous people in the world!
#noborders #nowalls
llubov  # 1

Russian winter

Why all «good» people cannot come together and do something with «bad» people?

I was born in Russia. My relatives were sent to Siberia just because they were Germans, and others because they were part of German family. Others were repressed during Stalin times even further east, where there was nothing except fields.
Now when I studied in Russia and Germany and these two countries played huuuge role in my life, I see some differences between them: Germany tries to learn lessons from the history, while Russian government doesn't: why in Russia government continues to kill people? Why polices takes the best of the best to prison? Why journalists are killed and scientists cannot continue working always in calm?
Maybe because the resistance makes people awake and because we do everything in Russia not «for» but «despite»?

credit of fotografii to
llubov  # 1

Установка Креста

В самый Рождественский мороз довелось запечатлеть (по мере возможности, было примерно -30) установку Креста на церковь Введения Пресвятой Богородицы во Храм в нашей деревне Молоково.

Тверская область, январь 2017.
juks  # 3


There are two main stereotypes, which I meet often:

1. All Russian girls are princesses.
I always didn't like princesses.
In the childhood i wanted to be a boy. (because in 90's you had more chances to become a pilot in Russia). And I also saw many girls growing around me with a dream to become mathematicians, cosmonautes and they really did in fact!

2. All German people are too much organised.
All funny stories from my family were always connected to Bauer part of my family. This may be considered as an exception, but I do not think that exceptions only confirm the rules.
llubov  #

The art of problem solving

how to make the services like Amazon not so bad?

to write in a blog about it so that millions of people read about it.
now nothing can help but the power of mass. unfortunately now not always the power of one kind person help.

moreover we all know that money is not the most important, but time!!!
so, is it all fake, what is written kindly in Amazon?
llubov  #

Observations #1,2

Observation #1 «Time and memory»
I found that we know each other with my music teacher for 20 years already. 20 years! At that time I was as small as the girl in the foto. After 30 years people change a lot. People grow, get lost, find something, loose something, forget something. If people forget each other, they can meet each other as new people.
«Tак долго вместе прожили, что вновь
второе января пришлось на вторник,
что удивленно поднятая бровь,
как со стекла автомобиля — дворник,
с лица сгоняла смутную печаль,
незамутненной оставляя даль.»

Observation #2 «Charity Network»
How people are working in charity funds looks like spreading mechnisms in the networks:
if some fund cannot help a person, they spread the request further until the target is reached.
llubov  #

Thinking about…

Remember that once in the child I wrote some kind of «epitaphy».
Back then I wanted to leave all my books and copybooks with some «scientific findings» to my parents and best friends. Now when I am leaving one city to another I try to give away all things I have so that I can diffuse myself in this place and so that my friends still have an atom of «me» from these small symbolic things…

(the photo could not be loaded)
llubov  #

green and violet

I would leave everything, to my friends, to people I do not know and will never know. I already gave away most of the things, and most of them are just some strange reminders of the past.
The books are different: I look to my library…
Somerst Moem's books is not just MSU-period when I first read him, he is one more door to the world.
Nabokov's «The defence» — is crystal game of the words' play.
Abraham Anatol — is another Wiener's «I am mathematician», suggested by physics professor Sokolov.
«Tears of owl soul» by Siluan Aphonskii is a strong reminder, a light-house for me, though I never yet finished this book.
There are also books, about which I know, I will never even finish them, like «Atlas shrugged» or «Black swam», though everyone talks about them. There are books, which I will always will be willing to reread, like Bunin's «Black allees» and «Anoton's apples».
The list is incomplete and I am waiting for the next book to be read or to be written.
llubov  #