Mcgee  #
Mcgee  # 2

Science with no borders

«You enter in a small room, where there are a lot of books, papers lying around, a lamp on a table is spreading calm light and it looks that special smell from paper of different years makes you to feel as if you would be entering not a room but the book itself» —
this is how I feel sometimes, when I enter my lab in Ecole Polytechnique. There is a special order in everything there: people with syndrome of superclean apartment could not have spent there even a minute, cause everything, books, chemicals, computers, stones lies together.
I spent almost one year of going back and forward from Paris, Moscow and Berlin in order to make it possible, Russian girl to work as a researcher in Ecole Polytechnique.

And I am asking «Why, why it is so hard for scientists to get all these stupid visas, as if they would be doing something really bad?!»
Why not to help them from the non-existing organisation «NobordersForScientists»?
llubov  # 1

Berlin Quantum Autumn

Today French embassy already second time did not give me visa.
Though I am officially working in France since November for lon %)
Probably Russian girls are indeed the most dangerous people in the world!
#noborders #nowalls
llubov  # 1

Russian winter

Why all «good» people cannot come together and do something with «bad» people?

I was born in Russia. My relatives were sent to Siberia just because they were Germans, and others because they were part of German family. Others were repressed during Stalin times even further east, where there was nothing except fields.
Now when I studied in Russia and Germany and these two countries played huuuge role in my life, I see some differences between them: Germany tries to learn lessons from the history, while Russian government doesn't: why in Russia government continues to kill people? Why polices takes the best of the best to prison? Why journalists are killed and scientists cannot continue working always in calm?
Maybe because the resistance makes people awake and because we do everything in Russia not «for» but «despite»?

credit of fotografii to
llubov  # 1
Mcgee  #
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Mcgee  # 1
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Mcgee  #