green and violet

I would leave everything, to my friends, to people I do not know and will never know. I already gave away most of the things, and most of them are just some strange reminders of the past.
The books are different: I look to my library…
Somerst Moem's books is not just MSU-period when I first read him, he is one more door to the world.
Nabokov's «The defence» — is crystal game of the words' play.
Abraham Anatol — is another Wiener's «I am mathematician», suggested by physics professor Sokolov.
«Tears of owl soul» by Siluan Aphonskii is a strong reminder, a light-house for me, though I never yet finished this book.
There are also books, about which I know, I will never even finish them, like «Atlas shrugged» or «Black swam», though everyone talks about them. There are books, which I will always will be willing to reread, like Bunin's «Black allees» and «Anoton's apples».
The list is incomplete and I am waiting for the next book to be read or to be written.
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When we leave to another place

When we leave to another place we sometimes leave fingerprints after us: we leave our books, postcards from friends, teapots, from which we were drinking so many cups of tea every evening.

There is a good, very clear feeling about time when we leave: we make some space for something new to come.
One of the reason why I like to leave is because you can also give all your things to your friends, so that your fingerprints become their fingerprints at some point in time.
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Cейчас, что я готова написать книгу о своих скитаниях и о борьбе с ощущением, когда ты не знаешь, где ты будешь на следующий день. Есть много статей, романов и фильмов на эту тему. Многие называют это «road-book» «road-movie», про это писал и Керуак, и снимал Антониони, но ничто так не рассказывает об этому, как собственный опыт. И моя книга могла бы рассказать, как приобрести такой опыт. Это несложно, достаточно сдать свою квартиру (особенно, если у вас не будет хватать денег на жизнь) и отправиться путешествовать по миру, где вы знаете людей.
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I go to work every day. I am in the institute at 9:50 or maximum 11. I make tea from salbei, say hi to colleagues whom I meet on my way to my sitting place. Sitting place because I do not have an office, I just work everywhere where I find calm place. Then, as everyday I go for lunch or eat something which I brought from home or share with a friend.
And everyday after finishing what I could do during the day I go home. Everyday. But also everyday inside me everything is different from day to day. And everything is changing as the landscapes which you see when you pass fields and forests from the car window, which you hear as you can hear the rhythm of the field.
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Italy busdriver and time

Sometimes we (me) forget about time.
Once I was in Italy. I took an old bus, which probably doesn't exist anymore.
Not only the bus, but also the bus driver was old. They both were very suiting each other.
Busdriver spoke a bit of English and in his very Italian English he explained me: «I never-r use-e the watch-h. I have my watch insi-de. And if everyone would have such a watch insi-de, then nobody, I thin-k would be late for a bus, late for lif-fe»
Indeed. How one can turn such inside watch?
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Moscu painting

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Uruguay and car of the poorest president in the world

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Why nowadays having some things are so important?
Why cannot we abandon this tradition of buying things, which would free us
Maybe one answer is that if we would have some goal, for example, to buy a house, this would become a goal of the whole our life. And who doesn't want to have a goal of his life?
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Random walker

«For dimension ≤ 2, a random walk surely returns to the origin – the walk is recurrent.
For dimension> 2, there is a non-zero probability that the walk never returns – the walk is transient.
Krapivsky et al.2011»

Some years ago one journalist told me: " If a person at each moment of his life has only one or two possibilities, where to work, how to live, then he starts to worry about his life". Due to his experience, each person at each time moment should have at least three possibilities out of each situation, since two possibilities are just the minimal outcome.
But it happens sometimes that people have much more possibilities from each situation, but what does it lead to? Till which time the person will be random walking until he comes to his equilibrium?
The answer to this question for a such complex topology as life's is the following:
Even if at every second a person would have more than two possibilities: to go right or left, then he would never come back to the starting point where he started.
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