
llubov  #
llubov  #

1 day and 25 years

В Америке (теперь говоря про неё подразумеваем Южную Америку) день рождение наступает на несколько часов позже, поэтому в России ты уже 25, а тут ещё 24.
llubov  #

1 day before 25 years

llubov  #

2 days before 25 years

llubov  # 1

3 days before 25 years

llubov  #

4 days before 25 years

It seems that when you leave Uruguay you here in radio:
«Next stop is „Antarktica“»
llubov  1#

5 days before 25 years

I started to understand, what does Veronica meant by «uruguayan people are soo nice».
People seam nicer, when they accept things. Here where the cultural processes seem to be still in process,
where mixing of blood is giving people who have one of the most beautiful eyes and lips which i have seen
last 25 years.
llubov  #

Магас, Ингушетия

Bender13  # 4