Фотоаппарат снова в строю. Как раз вовремя.

Апрель 2011. Удельная.
juks  # 3


Верните мой фотоаппарат, проклятые немцы!
juks  4# 10


Март 2011. Дома.
juks  2# 4

идеальное описание

«Salgado’s work is all about context. Nothing is static or still, even in an image that may appear still. The narrative present has a past and a future, we’re only glimpsing a moment in passing. There is a real sense of fluidity in his images, but a calculated fluidity as well. Technically, they are perfect. Composition, light, POV, angles, all come together in the frame. But, that is the means to an end as well. There is always a story behind each Salgado photograph, and his techniques are merely the language with which he tells these stories. The style or genre is not quite documentary, not quite fine art, but somewhere again, in flux, moving between the two never landing in one place or the other, just like his images.»
@ Andrea Bakacs
italiana  2# 2


модель: Ирина Семенова
kometko  4# 11

Земля Гастейн (январь 2011)

kometko  21# 15

Новый Год 2011

Так я провёл Новый Год.

Москва, 2011.
juks  7# 4


Стамбул, пристань Каракёй, ноябрь 2010.
juks  2# 17


Стамбул, Галатская Башня, ноябрь 2010.
juks  1# 4


Стамбул, пристань Кадыкей, ноябрь 2010.
juks  5# 16